directed by: Christopher Nolan.
countries: USA.
1955412 vote.
release date: 2010
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Talwin iv.
Jj taughinbaugh marcus & millichap.
Talking to myself. Talking heads psycho killer. John taughinbaugh.
Talking to strangers.
Taughinbaugh podiatry.
Talking kitty cat.
Taghinia boston children's.
Spoiler warning.
This film is just overrated beyond belief. The genius in this movie, is that it makes viewers feel like they are a genius, feeling they understand what is going on and that they are very smart for it because the story is so complex. Yes it is complex, but it is totally incoherent and illogical and the complexity is not contributing but quite the opposite. The complexity is uncalled for and unnecessary.
The people following and attacking the protagonists are all heavily armed and professional armed forces. Yet their aim skills seem to be non-existent. Heavy machine guns, explosives, sniper-rifles and the only on who got shot was Mr. Ciao or whatever his name was (the characters were so non engaging, I can't even remember their names after just finishing watching the movie. Also the music is just horrendous and totally over the top.
The only thing I got from this movie was a headache. Totally wasted these 2.5 hours on nothing but more Hollywood American blockbuster filth.
Talking to the moon chords.
Jj taughinbaugh.